Been a long time, sorry

Life got in the way, and my writing really took off! I’ve sold 4 short stories since May, and ave been asked to submit a fifth for an anthology this summer.

It’s all covered in http://www.lauriestewart-author (dot) com.

But No Frills this week is too good not to pass on to you.

PC Pub Recipe chicken strips or nuggets $2.97/ 800 grams, you can’t buy naked chicken for that price!

10ls of white potatoes for $1,44

Campbells chicken noodle, mushroom, tomato or veggie condensed soups 2/ $1. If I could eat wheat I’d stock up, but Campbells thickens their soup with flour.

Carrots or onions $2/ 10lb bag (hm, I need onions)

Beets or rutabagas $2/ 5lb bag

No Name pork cottage roll $2.97/ lb

And No Frills Price Matches, so…

Metro: asparagus $2.99/lb, great price if it’s not all woody

Granny Smith, Gala or Red delicious apples, Bartlett pears or seedless oranges $.99/ lb

New Zealand Spring lamb, leg or shank $4,99/ lb



Peruvian goodness, and birthday plans.

So, a couple weeks ago I had a Groupon for $60 off a meal for 4 at Petit Peru. WE met up with good friends to try to get in. Despite having a reservation, the place was tiny!  Seating maybe 40 people, so a group is kinda hard to seat.

Outside the restaurant, we ran into an old friend of all 4 of us that none of us had seen for a couple of year. The extra person tipped us into seating hell, we ended up with the only table large enough, which was supposed to seat 8.

But the food more than made up for the hassle. I had previously been introduced to Ceviche at a food fair, sushi grade white fish marinated in lime juice and hot peppers, served with thinly sliced raw onion.  OMG!

They had so many choices for a small place, even though the menu looked small, you could get many variations. Like chicken instead of seafood, with or without hot sauce, etc. We chowed down and pigged out. We each ordered something different, and passed small bites around the table.

On the left is my hubby’s choice; marinated steak, french fries, plantain, casava and fried egg. On the right is my Ceviche with sweet potatoes, hominy and toasted corn.  We also tried Inca Cola, which is bright yellow and kind of a tart vanilla. Not what I pictured at all, but so yummy.

I’d give it 5/5 stars, as the waitress was very knowledgeable and helpful, especially about one friend’s fish allergy. This restaurant is having an “All you can eat Ceviche festival” in July, just in time for my birthday! Guess what I’m asking for?


Last week, I also tried the Ceviche at Rico Peru, a local food truck. Their Ceviche was quite a bit spicier, right on the edge of too much for me, definitely too hot for most of my friends. They also had the most fascinating drink, which I am trying hard to recreate. I can’t remember the name, but it was black carrot juice (yes, really), pineapple juice, cinnamon and cloves. It tasted a bit like Ribena (black currant juice) with cinnamon.

They were way too far away from the office building for me and my cane, but since the city tells them where they can set up, I suppose I can’t deduct points for that. I didn’t get any photos, I was way too sore by the time I got the food and just sat down to eat it. It looked almost identical to the Ceviche pictured above, but in a plastic take-out thingie.

I’d give them 4 out of 5, just because I was exhausted before I ever got to them.


It’s been how long since I posted?

Never fear, I have a Peruvian restaurant and food truck to review and compare, a wedding feast to talk about, and more.

We’re into gardening season in Ontario, and I’m planting sweet potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes… and much more. I’ll go over which perennial food plants survived the winter and which didn’t.

Lots of info coming soon.



Garden update!

The Leading Edge of Chaos

It’s been only 2 weeks (3 for a couple of beds) since I last photographed everything, but the difference in the garden is huge.  I have comparison photos.  🙂

It has been either really hot or raining like a monsoon lately, so the weeds are going nuts.  It’s almost more than this old back can handle just keeping them from winning.  By the time I get the last bed weeded, the first is looking shaggy again.  Sigh… remind me why I love to garden so much.

Oh yeah, sunshine on my back, time alone to think and plot novels, music on the MP3 player…

So here are the photos, most were taken July 6th and today.  A few are from June 24th.

11709495_10155977119440107_6379886890031455393_n                        onion

Onions (bunching and other) planted in beds to ward off bugs.

11403481_10155920443690107_6768212256707944019_n                        apple mint

From one stalk of apple mint to many. And…

View original post 257 more words

No Frills coffee sale!!!!

Right now Now Frills has Cameron kcups (chocolate caramel brownie of toasted pecan flavour) 12 for $3!  That’s $.25 each!  1/2 the price of Costco plain coffee!!!

I’m excited!  I bought a case of 6 boxes of each.  $36 got me a couple months of amazing, yummy coffee.

Go buy some, go now.

And just FYI, Cameron kcups have less than 1/2 the plastic of most brands, the lid is the only plastic part, the bottom part is compostable.

Gardening or do it yourself food


Grapevines, tidied, tied up and all ready to explode with grapey goodness.   Seriously, it’s still May and they have clusters of flower buds.


Strawberries thinned and in bloom.  And thinning was spreading them out,  not getting rid of any.


Perennial onions happy and ready to eat by May 15th.  They’ll be good until frost kills them.


Tomato and other veggies in pots waiting to be planted outside.
So what is this all about?
A little bit of self sufficiency.   I always make jars and jars of stewed tomatoes,  jams, relish, mincemeat, and more. But lately I’ve been too sick to grow my own.  It’s expensive to buy 50 lbs of tomatoes.
But my gall bladder is gone, and although my back still gets worse every year, I can think again.  So I’m back to gardening.  An hour or 2 every couple days, a lot of help from friends, and soon there will be food.
Tomatoes,  hot peppers, sweet peppers, ground cherries, cauliflower, broccoli, peas,  herbs, rhubarb, blueberry bushes, sunchokes . .

So what is this all about?
Food security.   With all of the weird additives and recalls, I like to make everything possible from scratch.   And growing my own veggies is an extension of that.  No pesticides, no GMO, no high fructose corn syrup.
Good healthy food for my love and my friends
Next property gets an orchard. Hazeluts, apples, cherries, pears, plums, sumac, walnuts, a veritable paradise.
Now if only I could grow avocado, bananas and mango trees here.

Dragon Boat Festival means good prices on Asian ingredients

It’s been awhile since anybody had a decent sale, but No Frills has some interesting tidbits this week (until May 28th)
fresh whole chicken $1.97/lb
Rooster Brand jasmine rice $10.88/ 8kg (17.5lb)
Rooster Brand coconut milk $.88/ 398ml
FOCO coconut juice $.98/ 520ml
Rooster Brand sweetened condensed milk $1.88/300ml
Huy Fung Sriracha sauce $2.88/ 740ml
Colossal raw shrimp 16-20 count, frozen $7.88/300g
Seaquest seafood medley $3.97/ 340g
fresh asparagus $1.97/lb
russet potatoes or cooking onions $1.97/ 10lb
Gold Seal pink salmon $2.47/ 418g

Now, most of this will need putting up before long term storage is possible, but the possibilities for home-made heat-and-serve soup is mindboggling.

No Frills storage sales

For the first time in ages, there’s a sale worth going to.
No frills has their $1, $2, $3 sale on.

18 bottles Real Canadian  water
340g bag of baby cut carrots 
640g catelli pasta sauce
375g healthy harvest, smart, or bistro pasta
Cafe Cino espresso 250g
455g kraft bbq sauce
No Name pickle 1 liter
225g French’s mustard
3lbs yellow onions
Duncan Heinz cake mix or frosting (good for emergencies )
25′ aluminum foil  Alcan
30m Glad cling wrap
5lb russet potatoes
1kg no name apples

Cheemo perogies  (frozen ) 815-907g
Nestle chocolate bars 3/$2
295ml Minute Maid fruit punch  4/$2
Boneless pork loin $2/lb
Chicken wings  $2/lb

Most of this needs freezing, but at these prices it’s worth looking into freezer meals.  Where you spend one afternoon filling baggies with meat, veggies, and sauce, then freeze them.  You get healthy crockpot meals for a few weeks for a days work.


And don’t forget to save the chicken bones for broth.